Monday, September 1, 2008

A Sweet Surprise

Yesterday was Teachers' Day. I was sick so I went back to the doctor and take MC. After that, I went home to rest.

I watched TV and took a nap from 2pm to 5pm. It's so wonderful to be able to take a nap but terrible feeling of having flu & coughing..

When I wake up at ard 5.30pm, I watched youtube.. hehe.. "Hot Shot aka 篮球火". Not a bad show.. luv Jerry yen so much!! Muackz!! hehe

Ard 7+, May & I had heard a sound coming from outside. I ask May to go n take a look bt she said that she's scared. So I peek outside n saw a little gift lying on the steps of my door. I saw my name & my student's name written on the gift. I opened the door & took it in. He even called & told me this: "Happy Teachers' Day". I'm so touched by his sweet thoughts. This is the first time that I receive Teachers' Day gift from my tuition student. I only started teaching him in July. It's only a few months yet he has this sweet thought. I'm so touched.. hehe..

Below is a pic of the gift.

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